Mastermind Guessing Algorithm

Thursday November 22, 2018


For a final project in my Introduction to Computer Science (CSE 131) course, we were tasked with developing an algorithm to solve the classic MasterMind game in 12 moves or less. I found a solution in 12 moves, but I wasn't happy with it; I saw many inefficiencies. I did some research online, and utilizing minimax game theory, was able to develop a solution that ran in 4.1 moves. My solution first created a large list of every possible guess, then, at each turn, pulls the guess from the list that has the most in common with the other guesses left in the list, allowing a user to maximize the number of guesses that are removed from the list each turn. Then, based on the feedback received by the game, the algorithm removes all guesses from the list that cannot possibly be the solution. This pattern repeats until the solution is found. Link to repository.